What is the Cost of Living in Fort Mill, SC?

Find out what it costs to live in Fort Mill, SC with a cost-of-living calculator. Learn about housing costs, wages needed to live comfortably and more.

What is the Cost of Living in Fort Mill, SC?

Fort Mill is part of the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia -SC metropolitan area, which is ranked 201 out of 273 U. S. cities in the United States in terms of cost of living. The Cost of Living Index estimates that the cost of housing in Fort Mill is 77.8% of the national average.

A cost-of-living calculator can help you determine your monthly expenses on food, utilities, transportation, housing, health care, and other miscellaneous items to figure out if a given wage is a living wage. In Fort Mill, South Carolina, 82.0% of the population owns their homes, while 18.0% rent. To live comfortably in Fort Mill, you need to make sure your net income meets your needs and wants. You can use simple rules that are widely followed to determine if you can afford it with your salary. The minimum wage you need to live in Fort Mill is the sum of your daily expenses (food, utilities, transportation, entertainment), your monthly housing-related costs (rent, mortgage, insurance, maintenance), any debt-related expenses (monthly interest payments and capital amortization), as well as your savings and investment objectives. According to C2ER (the Economic and Community Research Council), the cost of living in Fort Mill is estimated at 90.5% of the national average, making it an average American city.

A cost-of-living calculator helps you assess how much you'll need to earn to live comfortably in a specific city.

Ida Primo
Ida Primo

Alcohol expert. Hipster-friendly internet guru. Wannabe social media nerd. General web scholar. Wannabe food buff. Incurable bacon evangelist.