What is the Average Cost of Living in Fort Mill, SC?

Find out what your expected expenses are when moving to Fort Mill SC with our cost of living calculator. Get an estimate on food, utilities, transportation, housing and more.

What is the Average Cost of Living in Fort Mill, SC?

Fort Mill is part of the Charlotte-Concord-Gastonia-SC metropolitan area, which is ranked 165th out of 273 U. S. cities in terms of cost of living. According to the C2ER (the Economic and Community Research Council), the cost of living in Fort Mill is estimated at 91.7% of the national average, making it an average American city.

The total monthly expense you can expect to incur depends on the cost of housing, food, utilities, transportation, health care, and other miscellaneous goods and services. Keep in mind that the composition of your household (single or married, number of children) and homeowner status (rent or landlord) may affect your monthly expenses. Fort Mill is also ranked 165th out of 273 U. cities by the Department of State in terms of cost of living. If you're considering a move to Fort Mill, it's important to understand what your cost of living will be. Our cost of living calculator can help you get an estimate of your expected expenses on food, utilities, transportation, housing, healthcare and more.

Simply choose your marital status and family type from the drop-down menu to get a breakdown of your monthly expenses. The minimum wage you need to live in Fort Mill is the sum of your daily expenses (food, utilities, transportation, entertainment), your monthly housing-related costs (rent, mortgage, insurance, maintenance), any debt expenses (monthly interest payments and capital payments), as well as your savings and investment objectives. The Cost of Living Housing Index estimates that the cost of housing in Fort Mill represents 78% of the national average. This makes it one of the cheapest cities in the U. A cost-of-living calculator helps you assess how much you'll need to earn to live comfortably in a specific city. It takes into account the various expenses you will make in your daily life (housing, food, utilities, transportation, entertainment, etc.). The prices of goods and services vary in different cities and, therefore, having a cost-of-living index or calculator can make the decision to move easier by allowing you to directly compare one city to another. Understanding the expected costs at Fort Mill can help you determine if a given wage is a living wage.

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Ballentine Storage

1005 State Rd S-40-286

Irmo, SC 29063

(803) 759 - 8503


Ida Primo
Ida Primo

Alcohol expert. Hipster-friendly internet guru. Wannabe social media nerd. General web scholar. Wannabe food buff. Incurable bacon evangelist.